Where do sharks live?
The habitat of a plant or animal is where it lives.
Sharks (and many other animals and plants) live in the sunlit ocean, also called the sunlit zone. Scroll down to see the many different kinds of animals that live in the sunlit zone. Then, on your paper, list 10 sharks you can find on that page. Spelling counts!
What's for supper?
What does a great white shark eat? This is its diet. Scroll down until you come to the word Diet. Write down everything that a great white shark eats.
Do great whites chew their food or swallow it whole? Write your answer on your paper.
What is a shark?
This page has a boatload of information.
Read What is a Shark? Then write the answers to these questions on your paper:
1. How long have sharks been around?
2. What is their skeleton made of?
Read Teeth. Then write the answers to these questions on your paper:
1. How many teeth can a shark have at one time?
2. How many rows of teeth do most sharks have?
Shark attack! 
Scroll down to Shark Attacks. Read everything. Then write the answers to these questions on your paper:
1. Which four sharks are the most dangerous to people?
2. Fill in the blank - Sharks attack fewer than ____ people each year.
3. Fill in the blanks - Many more people are killed by ____ and by ____ than by shark attacks.
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How long do sharks live?
This question was submitted by Julian in Mrs. James's class.
How long do you think sharks live? Ten years. Fifty years? More than fifty years?
Let's take our toothy friend, the great white shark. How long does he live? Well...
Many of our students want to know how many teeth a shark has. Hmmm. That's a toughie. How about the great white shark? Okay, we've got a more specific answer for you. From the Fox Shark Research Foundation we learn that the "great white's most famous feature is their sharp, serrated, triangular teeth which are arranged in 5 rows and are continuously shed and replaced in a conveyor belt fashion. An adult white shark can have up to 300 teeth in its mouth at any one time."
Caption this! (A just-for-fun contest)
A caption is a series of words beneath a picture or drawing. For example, the caption for this cartoon is, "I think you should be more explicit here in step two."
Are you ready? View this photo and then make up a funny caption. Leave your caption in the Comments section. Make sure you type in your name and grade. The author of the best caption will win a prize!
Ferocious predators?
Check out these myths and statistics about sharks. Then, write down one myth, two facts, and three statistics about sharks.
(Statistics are simply facts expressed in numbers. For example, our class has 11 students. Of those 11 students, 4 are girls. We have 3 fifth graders and 8 fourth graders.)
Shark Activities, Games and Fun Things to Do
The Monterey Bay Aquarium offers lots of shark activities for you to explore. The aquarium recently added a young great white shark to their Outer Bay exhibit. You can read daily updates on the great white, as well as catch him and his fishy cohorts on a live cam.
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